Corporate Social Responsibility Program
Tail Activewear (“Company”) is a responsible, global corporate citizen and has implemented this Program to affirm and clarify responsibilities, strategies, policies, and practices that assure the Company, and individuals acting on behalf of the Company, work to eliminate discrimination and improve standards of living and environmental conditions. The Company will exercise its influence to get all stakeholders to comply with workers’ rights and environmental protection.
Tail’s holds employees, contractors, representatives, agents, affiliates, suppliers of goods and services (herein “Suppliers”), employees and associates of Suppliers, and stakeholders (taken together the “Associates”) responsible for acting ethically, complying with the Program and reporting actions in violation of the Program.
From inception, Tail Activewear has exercised zero tolerance toward worker rights, workplace bias, discrimination, and environmental protection. In addition to the protections afforded workers and the environment through state and US government regulations, the Company shall not permit bias nor discriminate on the basis of age, race, gender, disabilities, religious beliefs, country of origin, sexual orientation, military service, family status, and social or political beliefs.
The Company’s culture values diversity and is respectful of all workers and the environment and it stems from policies, practices, conduct, and personnel actions including initial interviews, hiring or contracting, assignment, promotion, compensation, benefits, work place protection, work schedules, vacations, personal time, holidays, career changes, and environment.
The Company has developed and is implementing the following initiatives:
- Organizing, communicating, educating, and training employees and management on the Company’s responsibilities, standards of conduct, and policies
- Communicating standards and responsibilities to Suppliers
- Auditing Suppliers
- Supporting workers’ rights organizations
- Recognizing and rewarding employees and Suppliers
For more information on Tail Activewear’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program, please email
For more information on Fair Labor Practices, please visit the following:
Fair Labor Standards Act (in the US):
Fair Labor Association (global):