Tips for Healthy Living During the Holiday Season
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
How do you find balance between eating healthy and treating yourself during the holidays?
Everyone who knows me knows that I don’t deny myself my favorite foods. (Read the post HERE on why I have NO forbidden foods) However, I do make sure to keep my portions in check and create delicious healthy holiday treats to enjoy alongside traditional favorites. For me, this helps to prevent the overeat-diet-repeat cycle. By removing restrictions but still keeping a focus on portion control, you get the best of both worlds. You can enjoy the holiday celebrations AND stay on track with your goals. After all, feeling joyful is what this season is all about! This includes the joy that comes from finally figuring out how to make the fat-loss lifestyle work for you…even during the hustle & bustle of the feasting season!
Do you have any go-to ingredients or substitutions that you like to use during the holidays to add flavor or make dishes taste richer without adding unnecessary calories?
A few of my favorite healthy holiday ingredients substitutes include...
- Swap out sour cream for plain Greek yogurt.
- Use low-fat (Neufchatel) cream cheese.
- Use olive, grapeseed, or canola oil in recipes instead of butter.
- Try flavoring dishes with fresh herbs and spices.
- Substitute stevia or sucralose for half of the sugar in a recipe.
What are your tips for how to fit exercise in during the busy holiday season?
Look for ways to move when you can throughout the holiday season. Sneak in a quick weight training workout when you can (even if it's just 10 minutes!) or try these ways to get yourself moving:
- Add an extra walk or sprint session. 30 minutes a day can easily be increased to 45 minutes. Increase sprints from once to twice a week.
- If you have a stationary bicycle or treadmill at home, listen to your favorite podcast or watch some Netflix while you do a leisurely walk or ride your bike.
- Go for a morning or evening walk with family or friends–bundle up and check out Christmas lights or take a walk in the mall before or after Christmas shopping!
What activities can do as a family to stay active while spending quality time together?
Healthy Holiday Recipes from Kate
Homemade Holiday Vinaigrette Salad Dressing
Healthy Sweet Potato Casserole
About Kate
Kate Horney is a health & fitness professional, wife & mom who is passionate about helping women live healthy, happy and balanced lives.
Specializing in prenatal & postnatal fitness as well as Certified ME-NC Nutrition Coaching and female fat loss, Kate has worked with thousands of women worldwide through her online fitness programs designed specifically for women using research, science, and proven techniques.
Tail Activewear customers can take advantage of an exclusive offer to receive 50% off of their first month of the BeyondFit Food program that includes weekly grocery lists, meal plans, and recipes. Click here to learn more.